gift sets
Immerse yourself in the world of ultimate luxury with our exclusive gift sets. Each set is a perfect combination of sophistication, elegance and craftsmanship. Adorned with precious gemstones and the finest materials, they are true works of art
Discover Englow's Exquisite Table Accessories
Indulge in Unmatched Elegance with Napkin Rings, Whiskey & Cocktail Stirrers, Chopsticks, and Napkins - Where Every Detail Becomes Art
Gift elegance with our Napkin Rings
Bestow unmatched elegance with englow's napkin rings. Each ring embodies flawless sterling silver, intricately coupled with precisely cut natural gemstones.
From classic Art Deco to mysterious Oriental designs, these timeless beauties add an extra touch of exclusivity to any table setting.
Invite your guests to immerse themselves in the world of beauty and sophistication with these unique creations from englow.
Indulgent moments with our Whiskey & Cocktail Stirrers
Elevate your cocktail and whiskey indulgences to a new level of luxury with Viski's stirrers.
Handcrafted from the finest sterling silver and embellished with rhodium, rose gold, or yellow gold, they add an elegant touch to any drink.
Perfect for grand celebrations and formal gatherings, these versatile stirrers are a must-have for discerning connoisseurs.
A touch of luxury with our Chopsticks
Experience ultimate luxury and an enticing sensory experience with englow's Chopsticks. Handcrafted in collaboration with the renowned German silversmith Sonja Quandt, these chopsticks embody unparalleled quality.
Adorned with natural, brilliantly cut gemstones, they are not just simple eating utensils but true works of art that captivate your senses.
Eloquent table decoration with our Napkins
Enhance your table decoration with Englow's exquisite napkins. Handwoven from the finest Belgian linen and intricately embroidered with detailed butterflies, they add an extra touch of refinement to any table setting.
Invite your guests to admire these impressive linen napkins at your next dinner and explore our selection of sparkling gemstones alongside.